Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day 40 (Dec 28, 2012)- I Was Unaware That Hospital Masks Were Still Fashionable. Silly Me.

I was not sure my liver was going to live to see this day, but it has finally arrived.  As I write this, I am currently flying at an altitude of 36,000 feet and am officially 5266 miles away from Toronto.  Yes, the new, twelve pound heavier version of Brent Moreau was Tokyo bound!

This morning Colleen and I put the finishing touches on packing our backpacks that we would be living out of for the next couple of months.  As expected, Colleen did not take kindly to the idea of having to store all of her worldly possessions for the next 60 days in a backpack, but I have a feeling she'll warm to the idea in time.  Either that or she will just keep giving me more and more of her shit to carry for her.  With that in mind, Colleen and I bundled into the family SUV along with my mother, sister (going to work), father (airport chauffeur), and Peter my brother's friend.  Kiel, my brother, would be flying out and joining us a day later as he had to go and see Calvin Harris perform that night.  The things men will do for women, I tell ya!  It was a good thing Kiel wasn't with us though because with six people we were already having to bury some of the lesser family members underneath the luggage.
Somehow, we all made it to Pearson Airport in Toronto in one piece, although my testicles were starting to feel the weight of the luggage.  I am not sure what Colleen packed in there, but I am pretty sure I remember telling her to leave her shake weights and cinder blocks at home.   While waiting for our flight to Tokyo, I was happy to see that a couple of tried and true Japanese traditions were still holding true. Firstly, nerdy, white men love them some Japanese women.  There are probably between 5-10 couples on our flight consisting of gangly, sweater vest wearing white dudes who are shacked up with Asian (I'm going to assume they are Japanese) women.  Yup, nothing is more desirable to a suburban North American computer nerd than falling in love with a submissive Japanese woman.  On the other hand, you never see an Asian man in a relationship with a Caucasian woman.  I'm not going to wonder why this is.  I'm just observing.  Secondly, I thought this whole Asian people wearing SARS/hospital masks in public was a fad that was done away with a few years ago.  Apparently I've just been in my Arctic cocoon for too long.  I have seen numerous people wearing this glamorous face gear both in the airport and on the plane.  In fact, the girl in front of me right now on the flight has been sleeping with a mask on.  Germaphobe or surgeon-in-training: I'm still trying to figure it out.

Aside from all my friends wearing their flu masks, the flight to Tokyo has thus far been pretty uneventful.  We are about 11 hours into a 13 hour flight and when we arrive in Tokyo we will be 14 hours ahead.  Translation: We left Toronto at 12pm on Friday and will be arriving at 2pm on Saturday.  With the flight being so long I can assure you there is nothing worse than being on a sold-out flight and having a middle seat on a trip to the other side of the world.  Having done it a couple of times, I can vouch for its shitiness.  Luckily, this flight is only about half full so Colleen and I were able to get a bank of three seats to ourselves as were Peter and my mom.  Unluckily for all those around me, I have had terrible gas for the last 11 hours and have been stinking up the cabin like it's nobody's business.  There was even one gentleman sitting across this aisle from us whom I took it upon to fart directly in his face when I stood up.  The way I see it, he deserved it for making Colleen and I watch him pick his nose for the better of a couple hours.  The best part is, he will never know it was me thanks to the beauty of "airplane white noise" or whatever it is they call that noise in the background.  Either way, it is great for masking where farts come from.  The only other point of interest worth noting from the flight is the fact that I used chop sticks for the first time in over five years!  The last time I used chop sticks was on a flight to Shanghai, although once I landed in China I never used the bloody things again.  Only time will tell if the same holds true in Japan.
While, we shall be landing at Narita Airport just outside of Tokyo soon and the real fun is about to begin.  Between the five of us who are travelling we have done about a combined nine minutes of research on our destination.  In fact, we are not even sure how to get to our hotel which as we understand it is about 2.5 hours from the airport and involves us riding multiple trains.  So, if there is no blog entry after this one you can safely assume that we got lost somewhere in Tokyo's complex subway and rail system and were sold into Japanese slavery and are therefore working as some freakishly large geishas/tranny geishas in some Japanese whore house.


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