Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Engagement Story: Part 2- Time To Put My Big Boy Pants On

Ivvavik National Park, Yukon. To all potential suitors: Colleen does not like hiking FYI.
This small series will be a break from my normal travel writing and blogging.  It will attempt to document to the best of my memory and limited writing skills the run-up to Colleen and I's recent engagement.  I apologize in advance if I get a little sappy at times.  Brent.

When I last left off, Colleen and I were both freshly single and living three doors down the hall from one another.  The other occupants in the near vicinity included a chronically stoned maintenance man,  another girl who was in a long term relationship, and a guy who was a 400-pound hermit who wore beach clothes and a sailor hat anytime he emerged from his apartment and consumed what must of been hundreds of cans of Coke a week (I saw his recyclable collection. Alarming).

With that in mind, I like to think that we had no other options but to get romantically involved with one another.  She likes to think it was fate.  We'll just meet half way and say it was a stroke of good luck!  In short order, the two of us moved in together, because well when you live down the hall from one another you generally tend to spend a lot of time in said person's apartment.

Beautiful British Columbia. And a beautiful lady to boot!
Our relationship quickly went to the next level and Colleen met my parents who came up for a visit that summer.  I remember my mother absolutely gushing over her and telling me that she was just the sweetest girl.  In related news, my mother desperately needs some grandchildren, so I believe it was in her best interest to proclaim any woman God's gift to the earth.  Before I moved up here, I am sure my parents thought I was going to die alone in an igloo and along came this beautiful, intelligent, seemingly normal girl to save my from my impending life of solitary confinement.  Yes, things were coming up roses.

The next step in our relationship was to see if we could travel together and after my parents' visit to Inuvik, Colleen and I ventured out of town for the first time together.  She took me to visit her family in British Columbia and she subsequently came to Ontario for her maiden visit to the world of the 401, flat lands, and a tall phallic building with a glass floor.  We passed this test too and upon our return to Inuvik, Colleen landed a new job.

Someone's having fun!

I like to believe that this greatly aided our relationship in the long run as working and living together generally spell doom for most people.  Now don't get me wrong, I love Colleen very much, but seeing her all day at work and then coming home to our one bedroom apartment I imagine would get to be a bit much as our relationship progressed.  So while Colleen moved on professionally, I stayed put and would call on her occasionally to work for the restaurant when we were in a pinch.  These shifts usually ended up with us fighting or getting annoyed with one another.  AND THIS IS WHY MEN WILL NEVER BE IN CHARGE.  BEING THE BOSS (OR TRYING TO BE THE BOSS) OF YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS NOT ADVISED UNLESS YOU LIKE SLEEPING ON THE COUCH AND BEING SCORNED AT.

Over the next couple of years, we would have many great experiences together, including trips to Europe, Asia, Ivvavik National Park, a transatlantic cruise, Edmonton, Whitehorse, and Tuktoyaktuk to name a few.  Yes, I had found the woman I wanted to grow old with.  Not only could she tolerate me, but she bakes and likes sleeping even more than I do!  Soul mate found.

Colleen, Kiel, Mom, and I after a semi-successful dogsledding adventure.

By the summer of 2013 I was starting to (for the first time in my life!) think about the big "E" word.  And no, the word was not erection you perverts.  Colleen and I had been together for over two years and I wanted to make her my wife.  Not only that, but I needed to take advantage of her medical and dental benefits and get my Momma those grandkids since my siblings aren't doing a good job of this for her!

Running down the ice road to Tuktoyaktuk naked.  Not too sure why Colleen let me do this.

Now all I needed was a plan.  Well that, and for her to say yes...


Next time:  How to almost botch your proposal plan when your girlfriend is suspecting something!

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