Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Day 83- Nothing Excites Me More Than A Visit To A Telecommunications Tour. Well, With The Exception Of Bruce Willis Movies.

We are SOOOO bringing some of these broads back to the hotel room.
Never being ones to break form when it comes to eating, Colleen and I hit up the ever-exotic Papa John's Pizza at the local shopping mall for breakfast/lunch.  Following up on the dreadful service from the previous night, I didn't think it would be possible to receive worse service in a restaurant.  Boy was I wrong!  It took them over twenty minutes to bring us two cans of Coke from around the corner...and that was with us asking multiple times.  I have seen a lot of people who don't give a shit in the workplace, but the service staff in Kuala Lumpur was unlike anything.  Naturally they also tacked on the mandatory 10% service charge, just to add insult to injury.


With that debacle behind us, we decided we needed to get out of the mall and see what the city had to offer.  We headed over to the monorail (you have to sing the word "monorail" a la The Simpsons when saying it) and booted over to KL Tower, which is one of the five tallest telecommunications towers in the world.  I can now say I have been to three out of the top five tallest telecommunications towers in the world (CN Tower in Toronto and the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai being the other two).  I know, it basically makes me a legend.  While we were there we did the usual tourist duties consisting of taking an elevator to the top, taking some goofy pictures and admiring the skyline of the city.  I must say, I was quite ignorant to Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur before we arrived and it was fascinating to see the construction going on everywhere.   There was a crane building some type of condo or office building on seemingly every block and there were luxury cars and stores abound.  It really is a city with its sights set on the future. 

Colleen on tiny people watch.

KL Tower.  It will never be as cool as the CN Tower.

Now that we had done the requisite "tallest tower/building in town" visit, we were free to do as we pleased.  Colleen decided that she needed to get her archery fix, so we trekked back to Berjaya Times Square and before we knew it we were firing arrows directly into the dead centre of the targets.  And by that I of course mean into the netting behind and away from the targets.  My girlfriend also deemed this to be her new addiction, along with scuba diving and I am still trying to figure out if these are cheaper dependencies than shopping and unnecessary baking.   Before this trip I hadn't fired a bow and arrow in probably twenty years and now here I was for the second time in a month testing out my archery skills.

There is a suspiciously low number of arrows piercing the actual targets.

After archery our plan was to hit up the amusement park, but we quickly nixed this idea when the smoothies we consumed weren't sitting too well.  We took this as our cue to head back to the hotel and relax instead of riding roller coasters with a bunch of ten year olds and barfing all over them.  Being the restless fart that I am, I cannot sit still too long in a hotel and before I knew it I was on the monorail by myself headed to check out Chinatown while Colleen relaxed in the hotel.  Somewhere along the way my non-existent navigation skills let me down and instead of finding Chinatown I found Little India instead.  Having never been to India, I can't tell you if this is what India is like, although I imagine it is pretty similar.  There was chaos everywhere, loud flute-driven music (we shall assume for snake charming purposes)  playing from many of the stores and just wall-to-wall people as far as you could see.  It was total pandemonium! 

Uh oh....

Thankfully I am allowed to enjoy the sweet sweet nectar.

I made it out of Kuala Lumpur's re-creation of Delhi intact, but I never did find Chinatown.  Instead, I went back to the hotel and found Colleen waiting for me to take her out for a romantic dinner; to Wendy's naturally.  We washed down our greasy burgers with a couple of games of bowling where I had to remind Colleen that men are just inherently better at sports than women.  It's just a fact ladies.

The best part of bowling is always the shoes.

Better watch out Kingpin.

To wrap up our night we went to see the cinematic masterpiece known as, "A Good Day To Die Hard".  It was not yet out in North America, which was kind of odd as most movies tend to come out in the US before they reach our fine friends in Asia.  One unique thing about going to the movies in Malaysia was the excessive subtitling.  The movie was shown in English with both Malay and Chinese subtitles underneath.  It became even more distracting when a character in the movie was speaking Russian and they then added English subtitles into the mix.  Yes, at some points there were three different languages of subtitles on the screen.  Also, many swear words were censored out in the movie and if there were any sex scenes those were most definitely edited out.  I'm hoping there weren't any though, cause nobody needs to see Bruce Willis scoring some tail.  Not surprisingly, Malaysia has some of the strictest censorship laws in the world.  In conclusion, DON'T SEE THIS MOVIE.  UNLESS YOU WANT TO LAUGH A LOT, THEN YES WASTE A COUPLE HOURS OF YOUR LIFE AND WATCH IT.

Happy Chinese New Year!


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