Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 88- All I Got For Valentine's Day Was Sexual Harassment In A Bus Station Bathroom.

Our final day of our week long sojourn through Malaysia was upon us.  We were supposed to be getting picked up around 4pm at our hotel by the minibus that would take us to Hat Yai,Thailand.  From there we would transfer to a bus and then on to a ferry the following morning which would take us back to Colleen's favorite spot, Koh Tao.  Since we had a few hours to kill, Colleen and I headed over to the local shopping mall, which in Malaysia consists of a huge 10-storey complex.  I must say, those Malaysians sure know how to build their retail centers.  There we had one last meal, complete with the terrible and unfriendly service we had come to know and love from the lovely wait staff in Malaysia. 
Seeing as how we still had a few hours to kill, we decided to partake in one of my favorite pastimes, bowling.  I'm not sure if I like it because I can consistently beat my girlfriend or because of it is classified as a sport and requires very little exertion, but either way  I DO LOVE BOWLING!  We ended up logging a solid four games, with my best stretch being four frames where I bowled two strikes followed by two spares.  I know, I'm a big fuckin' deal!

Why would Colleen let me leave our hotel dressed like this?

Born to bowl baby!

Once I felt I had adequately crushed Colleen's soul on the hardwood we went back to our hotel to catch our ride to Thailand.  There was only one problem: our ride was nowhere to be seen.  Once our ride hit the "half-an-hour late" mark we started to get a little worried that we either a) got ripped off, b) they forgot about us, or c) they were just running late (we were hoping it was the ladder).  After attempting to contact the travel agency by phone to no avail, I ran down the street in a panic to visit the he-she travel agent who had sold us the tickets the day before.  She (we'll assume that's what this person wants to be called) was able to get a hold of the driver who informed her that he was just running late as some of the passengers were having trouble getting their travel visas in order.  An hour-and-a-half after we were originally supposed to be picked up, our minibus eventually showed up.  While the driver hastily loaded our luggage I attempted to track down Colleen who was charging her IPhone somewhere in the hotel lobby.  The driver actually started to drive away without Colleen and I, but thankfully due to traffic I was able to track him down and tell him to wait 20 fucking seconds for me to gather my girlfriend.  It would have been a long walk to Thailand is all I can say.   

The majority of our minibus ride consisted of us having to listen to the guy beside us on his cell phone blab on-and-on to his buddy who had obviously been in a severe moped crash and was now having to fly back to Europe for medical care.  Sucks to be him.  So I guess I could officially stop bitching about my moped accident now.  Our official welcome back to Thailand consisted of the most chaotic border crossing I have ever seen.  All of the passengers in our vehicle had to get out and cross the border by foot.  Somehow despite the mass confusion and thousands of people everywhere all of the passengers made it back to the vehicle and we motored on the rest of the way to Hat Yai.

Hat Yai is a city in southern Thailand that acts as a major transportation hub for the region.  Once here, we were dropped off at the bus terminal and the passengers all went their respective ways.  Colleen and I loaded up on snacks for our impending all night bus ride and shortly before we were scheduled to leave I decided to visit the men's room for a quick urination.  Since it was late at night the sprawling bathroom was empty, and there was probably space for 70 or 80 dudes to piss at the same time if they wanted to.  As I was standing at the trough-style urinal relieving myself in the empty bathroom, a young Thai dude in his early twenties entered and proceeded to come and stand right next to me (like shoulder to shoulder!).  He came up right beside me, peered over my shoulder, and locked his eyes on my package.  I wasn't sure whether to be flattered or frightened, but from the now joyous look on the young man's face he was clearly enjoying himself.  I quickly tried to finish my piss, although I am pretty sure I got a large amount of urine on my clothes.  I bolted out of the bathroom and ran the hundred or so yards to where Colleen was waiting and explained to her how Brent Junior had just been violated by the prying eyes of a bus stop pervert.  It was safe to say it was the most bizarre "romantic" gesture anyone had ever bestowed upon me on a Valentine's Day.

Attempting to put my traumatic life experience behind me, we boarded the bus and prayed that the Male Body Inspector was not on our bus.  Check.  What we ended up with instead were a Swiss and American guy right behind us.  The Swiss guy was determined to get drunk and the American was popping generic Valiums like they were going to expire any minute.  Rather nonchalantly  he offered Colleen and I some of his magic pills, but alas we decided that we didn't need to develop any new habits.  The bus itself was quite old and the seats were terribly uncomfortable.  Factor in that Colleen had some inconsiderate broad in front of her who decided to put her seat ALL THE WAY BACK and you have a recipe for a long, sleepless night.  The bus' overhead air conditioning system also happened to be leaking in a bunch of random spots and at one point the Swiss dude woke up from his drunken slumber to discover that he was covered in water!  The bathroom on the bus was also a nightmare as it was so small  that I couldn't figure out how to crouch inside and take a piss at the same time.  Factor in that the bus was shaking quite a bit and you can guess where the majority of my fluids ended up.  I'll give you a hint: my clothes.

All of these glorious factors piled on top of one another eventually led Colleen and I to start getting a little snappy with one another and it is safe to say, while it wasn't the most romantic Valentine's Day, it was one we were never going to forget!


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