Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 57- I Feel Like This Is Where They Would Film "Swamp People: Thailand Edition" If There Was Such A Thing

Waking up on Monday morning, I started my day off the way I normally do: sitting on the toilet while a frog stares at me hopelessly while he tries to slither under my indoor/outdoor shower door, only to realize that his green slimy girth is preventing him from maneuvering under said door.  Either way, it is ridiculously hard to focus on pinching out a loaf when you have this bug-eyed amphibian staring at you and making "ribbit-ribbit" noises as if to say, "just let me in and I will make all your troubles disappear".  Not happening frog!  More than likely the frog was probably just bored as there were only three occupied villas in the entire resort, so I probably just seemed like the easiest target to piss off on a muggy Monday morning.

Looking out at the beach from our resort.

Aloe and Bacardi Breezers. What more could a girl need in life?

Despite our near death ridiculously embarrassing experience on our motorbike the day before, Colleen and I were not yet deterred on two-wheel transportation.  We decided to drive a good hour and a half or so outside of town to find a waterfall we had been told about.  With our trusty map, the two of us set out and before we knew it we were whizzing down the freeway looking like Harry and Lloyd a la "Dumb and Dumber".  Driving mopeds on the freeway is pretty standard stuff for most people in this part of the world, but for a couple of cakers like us, it can be a slightly terrifying experience as large trucks and other assorted automobiles zip past you at high speeds.  Eventually after surviving the highway, we found ourselves on some pretty shady back roads (see: rough dirt roads) and had been travelling for over an hour and a half.  Factor in that we were miles from any real form of civilization and there were dogs (obviously rabid) barking at us anytime we pulled over.  For once in my life, common sense prevailed and we decided that it was in our best interest to turn back as the roads were getting rougher, the houses fewer and farther between, and the fuel was over half spent. Meh, I'm sure it was an ugly waterfall anyway!  During this whole adventure, I would like to point out that my lovely, albeit extremely white girlfriend was wearing a coat in the +33°C weather to protect her skin from the sun as she was still recovering from her severe case of sunburn.  What a trooper I tell ya!

Back country.  Keep your butthole tight!

Like a boss.

Nice outfit...if you were Amish.
Rolling back into the town of Ban Krut, our fuel was now almost on empty and as soon as we hit the outskirts of town our moped started to "putt".  Since neither of us know anything about cars and/or bikes we were not sure what was happening.  My guess was that we were either out of gas or had gotten a flat tire.  So, we pulled over, bought a couple rounds of watermelon popsicles and assessed the situation.  Shortly thereafter our back tire started to deflate and I can only thank Buddha for how lucky we were to get a flat tire in town and not out in the middle of the sticks, where we would have possibly been facing a twelve hour walk, all the while pushing our motorbike in the blazing sun and possibly getting harassed by Thai bush people (not sure if this is a real thing).  Instead, we pushed the bike a hundred or so meters down the road to the local gas station, which in actuality was a woman selling glass Pepsi bottles full of gasoline in front of her shanty.  She instructed us to walk the bike around the corner where there was a repair shop.  Back in Canada, such things as visiting a mechanic scare me, normally because most of them are shysters and love to rape you financially.  I wasn't really sure what to expect here, especially since we were foreigners.  When it was all said and done, we needed to get a new inner tube for our tire and we were presented with a bill for parts and labor totaling....$3.50!  Yes, this was some of the best bad luck ever!

The happening town of Ban Krut.

With our newly minted tire, we decided to head back to our new favorite restaurant in all of Asia, Kasama's, to grab some lunch.  It was then off to the pharmacy to pick up some Afterbite.  I am pretty sure with all of the products Colleen was purchasing, we could almost open up our own pharmacy, as we were now toting around Afterbite, three different types of Aloe, sunscreen, tattoo sunscreen, bug repellent, bug killer, and bed bug killer.  It's safe to say that if anyone took a match to either one of our backpacks we would be quite fucked (see: blowup).  Following our misadventure earlier in the day, Colleen and I spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing which entailed me going for an extended walk by myself along the beach. Yup, just a man by his lonesome, walking the beach with some stray dogs and millions of sand crabs.

That night was to be our last in Ban Krut before heading further south, so naturally we had to go to our new favorite restaurant in the world, Kasama's for the last supper.  Hoping to enjoy a peaceful dinner, our dreams were quickly dashed when we discovered we had some crazy guy sitting at the table beside us who was yelling at everyone in Italian.  After asking the owner what the guy's deal was, all he could confirm for us was that the dude was in fact a few noodles short of a full Pad Thai (sorry, I had to test out that joke!).  Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, we were not able to figure out what the Italian Stallion was raging on about, other than the fact the he had some type of gruesome leg injury and kept pointing it out to Colleen and I.  This went on for an extended period of time until the owner thankfully summoned us over to the bar after we had finished eating and we watched "Guinness World Records" with him.  I never thought that a viewing of "Guinness World Records" would save me from a dire situation.  I always kind of figured it would be the other way around. 

Back at our resort we were greeted by one of the local stray dogs who was waiting for us outside of our room.  Taking pity on him, I decided to feed him some barbecue chips and a glass of water.  Apparently, malnourished Thai street dogs do in fact not like barbecue chips and are quite picky about what they eat.  So, instead of eating, the cute, sad-eyed, street dog who walked with a limp parked himself outside our door for the remainder of the night and waited for me to give him a non-Frito Lay's based product.  But alas, I had nothing else to give and we shall assume the dog went on to live a happy life.


"Fine, don't eat my barbecue chips you dickhead."

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