(Originally published May 1, 2007)
So Saturday morning was a rough one. Slightly hung over, but hey it happens. Me and Slim made our way back to the Tower of London and did the full tour. It was pretty sweet, most definately my favourite attraction in London. Medieval shit rocks. We also went and did the ride on the Eye of London. We had basically taken care of all the touristy stuff. That night, Chrissy took us out for a nice Italian dinner right on the Thames River, as the next day we would be heading to Paris!
Saturday, we had a train scheduled to leave London for Paris at 3:00 pm. First though, we had other business to take care of as Gumball3000 was kicking off in London that day. You wanna talk about the sickest race/car collection in the world. This is it man. Anyone who's seen this on TV knows what I'm talking about. I mean where else you gonna see three Bugatti's (valued at well over a million dollars each) and rows upon rows of the sickest luxury cars ever. This event draws tons of celebrities and this year there were a few but we only got up close to Xzibit. From there, we took the Eurostar train to Paris, which goes under the English Channel and takes about 2 and a 1/2 hours. We navigated the Paris Subway system and made our way to our hostel in the Latin Quarter section of Paris. After dropping our bags, it was time for some drinking. We asked the guy at the desk where they were selling cheap beers and promptly made our way there. Needless to say, I got slightly polluted and woke up all four of the other people in my room at 2am when I tried to Superman onto my top bunk and missed it. Slim then refused my demands for a boost and eventually, I was able to make the ascent to the top bunk!
Monday morning, I woke up and was covered in beer and found myself cuddling with an empty tall boy of Foster's. I was scared to get out of bed, as I remembered (kind of) what had happened the night before and was afraid of my new roommates, who I hadn't even met yet. We were rooming with a guy from New Zealand who we got along with pretty well and he thought my exploits were rather entertaining. So after promising that that would not happen again, Slim and I made our way to the Pantheon. After taking that in, we made our way over to the Eiffel Tower and then just scoped out the Latin Quarter region of Paris a bit. The next day, we just found out was Labour Day, and a lot of stuff would be closed so we would have to revise our plans a bit.
Tuesday morning, we made our way on the subway over to the Montmartre section of Paris. There, we checked out the Moulin Rouge, the red-light district and Le Cimitiere Montmartre (lots of famous dead French people here). After that we went over to the Basilique du Sacre-Couer, which is the tallest point in Paris and also a pretty sick church to boot! Following that, we hit up another cemetary, le Cimitiere Pere Lachaise which is home to some other fairly famous dead French people, in addition to housing the remains of both Oscar Wilde and Jim Morrison. That night i ate some more crepes (as I should!), as they have fast become the staple of my French diet. Bananas and Nutella is the best flavour hands down! That night we took in the Champions League match at some English pub called the Frog and Princess. It was pretty decent, but I was starting to become very attached to my hangout called "The Wall" where the beer was cheap and the music was stylin'-profilin' and I had gone my first two nights in Paris.
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