(Originally publised April 23, 2007)
So……where to begin, that’s the real question? I’ll just ramble…. First of all I just want to thank everyone who came out to the Bon Voyage Party at the Moreau residence on Saturday night. It was a frolicking good time and we had well over 60 people show up, with somewhere in the neighborhood of 95% of those people so inebriated that it’s a miracle my house was left unscathed other than the one picture in the bathroom that I managed to break. As Wop Burglar would say, “It was the best house party since Grade 11”. I just wish next time that someone would please not let my parents dance like that. Now everyone that didn’t know knows where a great deal of my stupendous character traits come from. Also, that was one hell of a flip cup game. I mean twenty people bombing back beers as fast as humanly possible around a hot tub lid has got to be a recipe for a good time! In fact, we were having such a good time that we apparently alerted my entire street and the cops felt it necessary to make a guest appearance. No fear my Mom took care of them. Goulet. Another side note: CL would have to be the only person who rivals Wop Burglar for most ridiculous human being alive. Thanks have to go out to KM for the delicious cupcakes, KS for the nice card and Barbie doll (which Blowhausen felt he had to repeatedly keep biting the head off of), and anyone else who did something kind for me. Sorry, I also must thank whoever left that delicious looking condom in my backyard for me to clean-up the next morning (nice!) and my brother’s friend for projectile vomiting all over the basement. Quick safety reminder kids, don’t play Skip-It in the house, it usually just leads to shit getting smashed and people getting hit with the rope! After all that, I’m left asking myself one question, what will become of Bradford?
Well Slim and I both fly out tonight (April 23). I’m flying into Heathrow and will arrive in London tomorrow morning. For the first few days, we will be shacking up with Slim’s step-sister who has a pad right in London. From there, we will take our packs and rail passes and attempt to explore as much of Europe as humanly possible. Hopefully for Slim’s sake I keep my arrests/passing outs/ridiculous incidents to a minimum (not likely though). I will try to post up a journal entry on here about once a week, complete with pictures and all that good stuff. Feel free to leave any comments and/or suggestions for me. Until next time, au revoir you limey bastards! (See that nice vocabulary, a little French and English English in the same eight word sentence!)
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