(Originally published April 27, 2007)
So what a flight! I get my seat on the plane and the stinky motherfucker beside me decides that he doesnt need to wear any shoes or socks on the plane. What a fuckin' nightmare I tell ya! The guy was walking around the plane with no shoes or socks on, and me and this girl sitting on the other side of this guy were just kind of looking at each other, like WTF!? Also, on these new Air Canada planes, everyone has their own television set where you can pick what you want to watch and low and behold, I get the only one out of about 500 that doesn't work. Meh.
So I arrived in London at about 6:30am on the Tuesday morning a few hours before Slim and made my way to Victoria station to meet him there. And as I'm waiting low and behold my brand new MP3 player dies. I figure it's just the batteries, but the piece of crap actually just died.....Well there goes my music for the trip. So Slim finally shows up like 300 hours later and we navigate the ridiculous London subway (Metro) to his sister's place in the east end of the city. Right away, she makes us eat some curry, or as I like to call it, "a bunch of shit on a plate" (supposed English cuisine). From there, me and SlimJim made our way over to Greenwich where we went and checked out the Greenwich Observatory and a bunch of other crap there. Finally made it to bed that night and slept for the first time in over 36 hours.
So we got rolled out of bed early and were told that there was only one key to the apartment, which believe me made things quite difficult over the next few days. But it was time to check out some of the touristy stuff that makes London what it is. We went and checked out a bunch of the landmakrs such as the Tower Bridge, London Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben/Parliament, The London At War Museum, St. Paul's Cathedral, and Trafalgar Square. At Trafalgar Square, we couldn't figure out what was going on. There were thousands of people everywhere wasted off their faces and hundreds, i mean hundreds of police officers. Turns out, it was a big pre-game rally for the Liverpool fans who were playing at Chelsea that night. Man those English know how to drink! No matter what time of day it is, it seems that every pub is packed and people are spilling onto the streets. Just my kind of place, alright!
Wednesday night, we decided that we were going to take a train to Brighton Beach and check that out. So Thursday morning we made our way back to Victoria Station (the Union Station of London) and caught a train out to Brighton. Turns out, Brighton is basically the Wasage Beach of England with all the shitty little shops and diners. It started to rain on us pretty bad so we made our way to some pub that was selling cheap beers and all day breakfast! What could be better? Turns out nothing. Slim and I stayed there for a few hours hammering beers and eating fine cuisine and then walked around and played some intoxicated afternoon air hockey in which I sustained a pretty sweet bloody knuckle. Needless to say, it was a nice early evening nap on the train on the way home.
Friday morning we slept in, so didn't make it out into London until the mid-afternoon. By that time, our original plans were foiled (Tower of London Tour), so we just took the Metro up to Picadilly/Oxford Street and just milled around there for a bit in true tourist fashion. That night, we went out with some of Chrissy's (Slim's sister) friends. It was me, Jon, a Brazilian guy, Polish guy, and a dude from Kosovo. What a FOB crew we were. We hit up some pub before going back to the one guy's place and partaking in some more drinking. We then went to the clubs (at this point all well-tuned) but were told we couldn't get in anywhere because it was too late. So we went for some pizza and beer. Goulet! Me and Slim then made our way across London in the middle of the night by bus and taxi back to Chrissy's, which we didn't arrive at until about 4am! Turns out this wasn't the safest route back in the middle of the night. Stupid fuckin' drunk tourists! No fear!
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